Activities in Cleveland 克里夫蘭的活動小胖和我今天去幫忙Ikuko教太鼓,來的人年齡層不一,小到五歲大到五十幾歲。 Xiao-pang and I went to help Ikuko teach Taiko today. People who sign up for the lesson vary in age. The youngest one is five years old and the oldest one is fifty something. 課程結束,驗收成果囉!Time to see the learning result!大家打的有模有樣!Everybod's posture is very good!小孩子也很認真。Even the kids are trying very hard. 教完後去一家賣臺灣菜的餐廳。這裡的服務不是很好,老闆的女兒是侍應生,每次都一副隨你要不要吃的表情。After teaching, we went to a Taiwanese restaurant. The service here is not very good; the owner's daughter is the waitress and she always has the poker face. 小胖剛剪了頭髮。Xiao-Pang just got a hair cut.我也換了新髮型。I just changed my hairstyle, too. 這是克里夫蘭唯一一家可以吃到牛肉麵的餐廳 而且十分好吃This is the only restaurant in Cleveland that has Taiwanese beef stew noodle. It is super delicious, too. 小胖點的酥炸排骨麵也十分的好吃。Xiao-pang ordered pork chop noodle. It is very good, too. 吃完中餐後 我們去了克里夫蘭的公立圖書館。我當然不是來借英文書籍的,這裡有很多很新的中文書籍,我以前在克里夫蘭大學唸書時就常來。After lunch, we went to the public library in Cleveland. I am not here for the English books, they have a lot of Chinese books. I came here quite a lot when I was studying in Cleveland State. 小胖和地球儀。 Xiao-pang and globe.克里夫蘭市中心,今天一天都在下雨。This is downtown Cleveland; it is raining whole day today. 小胖佯裝沉思。Xiao-pang pretended he is thinking deep. 回家時發現了一家新的中國超市,進去看看。On the way home, we found a new Chinese supermarket. We took a look inside. 這家跟我們常去的超市一樣乾淨,選擇也很多。This is kind of like the supermarket we always went. It is very clean and lots of selections. 這裡也有賣海鮮There is fresh seafood as well. .
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